Helping Those Who Help Others ®

Charity Works promotes charitable giving and aids tax-exempt organizations by assisting them in managing their funds more effectively when used to acquire needed resources from others.

Charity Works will be a national recognized intermediary that offers a charitable alliance network of donors, vendors and nonprofits that unites business interests with philanthropic efforts.

Budget 8pc Hygiene & Toiletries Kit

Price per case: $100.00
Price per kit: $2.00
Case Pack: 50 kits
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Personal Hygiene & Toiletries 8pc Essentials Kit. A basic supply of nationally branded essential personal care items. Brings dignity and comfort to recipient. Lets the recipient know you care.

Convenience Kits Men’s 13pc Travel Kit in Black Rectangular Travel Bag with Handle

Item #: 186-case
Price per case: $52.80
Price per kit: $8.80
Case Pack: 6 kits
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Men’s Premium 13pc Personal Care Essentials Kit. 7-14-day supply of nationally branded essential personal care items. Brings dignity and comfort to recipient. Lets the recipient know you care.

Men’s Hygiene Kit 10 pc.

Item #: 500-case
Price per case: $34.50
Price per kit: $5.75
Case Pack: 6 kits
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Men’s Deluxe 10pc Personal Care Essentials Kit. 7-14-day supply of nationally branded essential personal care items. Brings dignity and comfort to recipient. Lets the recipient know you care.

Women’s Hygiene Kit 10pc.

Item #: 73-case
Price per case: $36.00
Price per kit: $6.00
Case Pack: 6 kits
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Women’s Deluxe 10pc Personal Care Essentials Kit. 7-14-day supply of nationally branded essential personal care items. Brings dignity and comfort to recipient. Lets the recipient know you care.

Women’s Deluxe 10 pc Travel Kit featuring Pantene

Item #: 7300-case
Price per case: $46.50
Price per kit: $7.75
Case Pack: 6 kits
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Women’s Premium 10pc Personal Care Essentials Kit. 7-14-day supply of nationally branded essential personal care items. Brings dignity and comfort to recipient. Lets the recipient know you care.

Feminine 14 PC Hygiene Kit

Item #: 144-case
Price per case: $53.50
Price per kit: $5.35
Case Pack: 10 kits
Temporarily Out Of Stock

Women’s 14 pc Feminine Care Essentials Kit provides women their monthly hygiene needs in a discreet and stylish reusable bag. Features national brands they know and trust. Brings dignity and comfort to the recipient. Lets them know you care

9 pc Youth Hygiene kit

Item #: FBCHILD-case
Price per case: $54.40
Price per kit: $6.80
Case Pack: 8 kits
Temporarily Out Of Stock

Personal Care Essentials 9pc Kit for Children, Elementary and Pre-Teens. 7-14-day supply of nationally branded essential personal care items. Brings dignity and comfort to recipient. Lets the recipient know you care.

Johnson & Johnson 9 pc Baby Travel Bag

Item #: 44-case
Price per case: $64.00
Price per kit: $6.40
Case Pack: 10 kits
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Baby 9pc Personal Care Essentials Kit. Give moms nationally branded essential personal care items they need to care for their baby Plus toys to entertain! Reinforce mom and baby connection. Lets the recipient know you care.